Black Widow r5-6 Read online

Page 4

  "Ma'am, I've identified the woman. She belongs to MI-6."

  That was unexpected.

  Samantha walked over to the woman's computer. She studied the face on the screen but didn't recognize it.

  According to the file, Ajza Manaev held a position as a field agent with considerable experience for someone so young. Evidently she performed well at what she did.

  "Orange," Samantha said.

  "Yes," Kate replied.

  Samantha watched the convoy thread through the winding streets of the Kadikoy district. More people were up and starting to fill the sidewalks, streets and cafes. The potential for unplanned losses was increasing exponentially.

  "We have a problem," Samantha said.


  New York

  "Remove his gag," Kate said.

  Without a word, Jacob Marrs hooked a finger in the sock he'd used to silence Hirschvogel. The German sat tied to a chair near his desk. He spat when the gag was clear, then cursed Kate.

  While Hirschvogel vented so colorfully, obviously given some courage about being held captive for nearly an hour but not killed outright, Jake casually reached out and backhanded him in the face. The blow silenced Hirschvogel immediately.

  "That's not how you talk to a lady," Jake stated affably.

  Shocked, Hirschvogel glared at Jake. "If I ever meet you again, you're a dead man."

  Jake smiled and spoke softly. "Just one more reason to heave you over the balcony before I leave. I didn't much care for you before you decided to make this personal. But promising to be a threat in the future?" He shook his head.

  Visibly afraid, perhaps remembering that Jake had killed three of his bodyguards without breaking a sweat, Hirschvogel looked to Kate for support.

  "Tell me about the weapons in Istanbul," Kate said.

  Hirschvogel licked his lips nervously. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth. "I know nothing."

  "If you don't know anything about them," Kate said conversationally, "you're not worth anything to me."

  "Balcony's looking better and better all the time," Jake said.

  "What do you want to know?" Hirschvogel asked.

  "I know you regularly supply Hasan with drugs that he sells to Mustafa in Istanbul," Kate said. Her primary objective had been to shut down the supply route and break the bank of the terrorists Hirschvogel supplied. The man held a position as a mover and shaker in the black market with drugs and weapons. "Normally you sell drugs to Hasan, which he transports to Istanbul and sells again."

  "Yes," Hirschvogel admitted. "You realize that you can't try me here in the United States for that? I've committed no crime here."

  "I'm sure that's not true," Kate told him. In fact, she knew it wasn't true. Hirschvogel sold merchandise everywhere there was a market.

  "Are you with the government?" Hirschvogel asked.

  Jake slapped him again.

  Hirschvogel cursed, but tears of pain coursed down his cheeks.

  "Where did you get the weapons?" Kate asked.

  "American military shipments in Turkey," Hirschvogel said. "A recent resupply. I arranged for it to go missing."

  "Not without help."

  Hirschvogel shrugged. "I have some contacts within the army's civilian support agencies. I knew when the shipment would arrive by truck. I had a team take the weapons."

  Kate hadn't heard anything about that, but no one liked admitting he'd been made a fool of. The United States military had their own investigative bodies. She made a mental note to go through channels and contact the army's criminal-investigative division regarding the stolen shipment.

  "Why did you sell them to Hasan?" she asked.

  "I'd heard Mustafa was looking for weapons. Particularly American weapons."


  Hirschvogel glanced at Jake and flinched as he answered. "I don't know."

  Jake didn't move.

  "He believes you," Kate said. "So do I. But I'm going to need to know who your contacts were in the military."

  Hirschvogel scowled. The side of his face still glowed red from the slaps. "Those contacts have proven very expensive."

  "And profitable," Kate said.

  "Perhaps we could negotiate."

  "All right." Kate folded her arms. "Give me the names of the men who helped you arrange the theft, and I won't let my friend throw you over the balcony."

  Defeated, Hirschvogel gave her the names.

  When he was finished, Kate nodded at Jake.

  He took a spray from his pocket and squirted it into Hirschvogel's face. The German tried not to breathe, obviously afraid of being poisoned, but the spray worked on mere contact, as well. He fought the effects of the drug, then his head slumped forward.

  "Personally I think it would be better if I dropped him over the balcony," Jake said. "Guy like this, he's gonna be a problem somewhere down the line."

  "No," Kate said. "We'll let him run and keep a leash on him. Taking out Hasan and Mustafa will help shut down his organization, but there's still a lot of information we can discover."

  She looked around the apartment to make sure they hadn't left anything behind. Both of them were too professional for that. But always checking was part of being professional.

  "Indigo, are we clear?" Kate asked.

  "Affirmative. We show you clear."

  Kate left the apartment and headed for the elevator.

  "What's being done with the young woman driving the truck?" Jake asked.

  "For the moment," Kate said, "we're going to let her run."

  "One of Red Team's snipers could take her out. Even on the fly. Don't have to kill her."

  "She's MI-6. We have to check and see if they've got a play in place."

  "I'm thinking grabbing everybody at the buy would have been a good strategy," Jake said.

  "That's where I would have done it," Kate agreed.

  "MI-6 doesn't always get it right," Jake commented.

  "Nobody does. That's why they have us."

  Jake chuckled. "They have us when they want to take the gloves off and throw the rulebook out the window."

  Kate smiled.

  "So what if everything's snafued in Istanbul?" Jake asked.

  "We improvise."



  Desperate, Ajza ran through her options. If she drove the truck where Mustafa wanted it, she'd know where it was for a while, but she didn't doubt that the weapons would be quickly moved. Or she could depend on her support team suddenly materializing and getting her out of the current situation. But it didn't seem like that was about to happen.

  She was sweltering in the growing heat of the day and had to work hard to keep the truck headed straight. The steering had a lot of play, which necessitated constant attention.

  She didn't like the possibility of parking the weapons somewhere and losing them. The question of who was going to be using them and for what purpose never left her mind. Over the past few years she'd seen firsthand the kind of carnage left by al-Qaeda and other terrorists.

  "I could have driven the truck," Fikret complained from the passenger side.

  Ajza looked around and got her bearings. She was only a few blocks from the harbor. A desperate plan formed in her mind.

  "All I needed was another chance," Fikret went on. He glared at Ajza. "There's nothing you can do that I can't."

  Traffic came to a halt. Ajza studied the cross street ahead. It was one of the major ones. She was certain the harbor area was nearly a straight shot down it. At least, as straight a shot as the streets of the old city allowed.

  "You should not have volunteered," Fikret said. "You only did so to make me look bad."

  Ajza couldn't be quiet any longer. "If you could have driven the truck, you would not have looked bad. If you had not volunteered, you would not have looked bad. You brought this on yourself."

  "I could have driven the truck. I only needed a little more time to figure out how to do it better."

  Slowly tr
affic started forward again. The sedan she was following powered through the intersection.

  Gripping the wheel, knowing her next action would put her life on the line, Ajza turned right and jammed her foot down hard on the accelerator. The truck responded immediately. She swung out wide around the corner and momentarily crossed bumpers with a panel truck waiting in the oncoming lane. Metal grated as she broke free and kept going.

  "What are you doing?" Fikret demanded. He held on to the door. "You weren't supposed to turn."

  Ajza straightened the wheels and sped down the street. The heavy traffic looked problematic. She shifted gears and gained speed. A taxi stopped in front of her to pick up a fare. Ajza pulled to the left and narrowly avoided it. The truck's bumper scraped the side of a car, setting off a cascade of car horns.

  "Stop!" Fikret roared. "Stop the truck now!" He reached for the steering wheel.

  Ajza grabbed the pistol from under her thigh and clubbed the big man in the face with it. Blood spouted from his nose and he drew back, cursing in pain and anger.

  "Get out," Ajza commanded. She pointed the pistol at him.


  "Get out of the truck." Ajza glanced in the side mirrors and saw that the rest of the convoy were hot on her heels. They closed the gap rapidly.

  Fikret didn't move. He had one massive hand clamped to his nose. He reached for his rifle with the other.

  Ajza fired her pistol and missed the big man's head by inches. The bullet slammed into a building at the side of the street.

  "Get out!" she shouted over the ringing din of the pistol report. "Or I put the next one through your head."

  Fikret swung the door open and turned to leap out. Fear held him frozen.

  Ajza turned in the seat, raised a leg and shoved her foot hard between Fikret's shoulder blades. He grunted as his breath left his lungs. He lost his grip on the door frame and tumbled out.

  In the next instant the open door collided with a parked truck. The window shattered and glass fragments peppered the inside of the truck. The impact slammed the door shut with a metallic screech.

  Ajza's heart pounded as she looked at the side mirror. The two vehicles tailing her pulled up alongside. Their occupants, men with whom she had eaten dinner the night before, brandished guns. A couple of them fired their weapons, and bullets ricocheted from the truck's cab and tore through the body.

  Wrenching the wheel, Ajza slammed into the lead car. The truck's greater bulk shoved the car sideways. The car plowed through an outdoor cafe, narrowly missing the few patrons sitting there with coffee and breakfast. The car crashed into the corner of the next building.

  Ajza hoped that Nazmi wasn't in the car. She liked him. She focused on her driving and spotted a police vehicle at the light ahead of her. Two police officers occupied the vehicle, but neither of them noticed the wreck Ajza left in her wake.

  She tapped the brake and pulled to the left again. But she allowed her front bumper to scrape across the police vehicle's back bumper. Although she'd tried to keep the collision to a minimum, the force spun the police car halfway around.

  "All right," Ajza said, glancing in the side mirror as she passed the police car, "come get me."

  The police car's lights came on and the siren screamed to life. Two cars bearing Mustafa's men roared past it.

  Traffic became more difficult the closer she got to the harbor area. She braked and downshifted almost constantly to avoid smashing into vehicles. The truck's transmission groaned as she kept up the pace. Bullets smacked into the truck's rear.

  Ajza's gut twisted as she thought about the explosion waiting to erupt if anything especially potent in the crates got hit. She took evasive action, swinging wildly across the street to block the cars zooming up behind her.

  She tried to push one of them into a nearby building, but the driver pulled back and she only rammed into the building herself. Something fell in the truck's cargo area. Ajza waited for the detonation. Nothing happened.

  Lying on the horn as she powered into the last intersection, she headed for the pier. She didn't know where she was, but the broad expanse of gray-green water in front of her told her she'd reached the harbor. Ships and boats sat at anchorage.

  The large cranes and forklifts marked the area as one of the commercial districts. Men dodged out of the way as she barreled through. Another blistering hail of bullets raked the back of the truck. The side mirror on her door suddenly shattered and flew away. The metal housing came loose and battered the door.

  The truck roared across the pier. Ajza continued to lean on the horn. One man abandoned a forklift and left it in her path. She swerved and tried not to hit it full on.

  The impact strained Ajza's seat belt. The stiff material bit into the flesh of her hips and upper body. Crates in the back rushed forward and smashed against the cab.

  Ajza screamed a curse. The forklift slid away in pieces and she continued down the pier. The right front tire pulled at the steering. The wobble told her that the collision had deflated the tire or ripped it to shreds. Her arms ached with the effort of holding the truck on course.

  She aimed for the end of the pier and never lifted her foot from the accelerator. The image in the rearview mirror of Mustafa and the others bearing down on her guaranteed the lack of choice.

  Ajza unfastened the seat belt and kept her foot on the accelerator. She prayed that God still watched over fools as the sounds of gunfire and police sirens filled her ears.



  "She did not just do that," tech support said in Samantha's ear.

  Samantha couldn't believe the woman survived the collision with all the munitions in the back of the truck.

  "That is one gutsy bird," the head computer programmer said as he stared at the screen with a big grin. "I think I'm in love."

  They all stared at the screen as the truck and Ajza disappeared into the ocean.

  "My God," Samantha breathed.

  "What?" Kate asked.

  Knowing Kate lacked visual access while she left the apartment in New York, Samantha ignored the request for information for the moment.

  "Later," she said. "Red Team?"

  "We're here, Indigo."

  "Are you mobile?"

  "Since the convoy started up."

  That was good, Samantha told herself. She looked at the lead computer operator. He nodded and tapped on a keyboard.

  Almost immediately the satellite view split on the wall screen. One side stayed with the white-capped wake that remained from the truck's plunge into the sea. The other shifted to a street scene. A yellow spotlight circled an SUV.

  "Hold your position," Samantha said.

  "Did she make it?" the Red Team Leader asked.

  "So far. Are you prepared for an exfiltration?"

  "Affirmative. Red Team is ready to rock and roll. Especially for that hard-driving lady."

  Yanks, Samantha thought. All of them had showoff tendencies.

  "If she survived, I'd like to try to get her home in one piece," she said.

  On the wall screen, she saw Mustafa's men bring their vehicles to a halt. The police car slid in behind them, then realized their mistake when Mustafa's gunners opened fire on them. The driver of the police car reversed and hastily backed away.

  "The harbor roads stretch in two directions," Samantha told the Red Team leader. "Once I see which direction she's going to choose, I'll let you know. We'll coordinate the rendezvous from here." Out of habit, she checked the time. Their window of opportunity was closing quickly.

  "We can get out fast," the lead computer tech said.

  Samantha nodded and quickly brought Kate up to speed. "I've asked Red Team to try to pull her out of there."

  "I heard," Kate replied. "I would have done the same thing."

  Samantha felt a little better about that. Room 59's policies emphasized maintaining a low profile. At this point they hadn't been exposed, but her decision would press that possibility.

letting the brave young woman die needlessly put her off.

  Come on, she thought, staring at the water as Mustafa's men spread out along the pier and searched.

  "How deep is the harbor?" Samantha asked.

  "At this time of year in that location, twenty-seven feet," tech support said.

  More than enough depth to sink a truck, Samantha decided. She admired the young agent's strategy. The chance of recovering some of the weapons intact remained, but not without getting caught by the local police.

  The water remained relatively smooth. No one surfaced.

  Come on, Samantha urged.

  "I have her," one of the female computer techs announced.

  "Where?" Samantha shifted her gaze to the screen.

  "That's my girl," the male computer operator said enthusiastically. "I really gotta give her props. You don't meet many like her."

  "Don't wee all over yourself in your excitement," the other female said sarcastically.

  "She's here," the first woman said.

  On the screen, Samantha spotted Ajza Manaev hauling herself from the water. Unfortunately Mustafa's men did, too. Ajza threw herself to the ground as bullets chopped into the ground only a few feet from her. Immediately Mustafa's men took up pursuit, some of them on foot and others taking time to get back into the cars.

  "Red leader," Samantha said.

  "Here," the man replied.

  "I've found her. So has the competition."

  "That'll just make it more interesting."

  Samantha smiled slightly. She knew British soldiers who spoke just as cheekily, as if they were invincible. But there was something about that Yank accent that just sounded so certain.

  "We'll bring you to her," he said.

  * * *


  Bent over and staying low to the ground, her fingertips grazing the hot pavement, Ajza ran. Bullets cut the air overhead and smashed into a vendor's cart next to her. Spicy beef kebabs flew into the air and splattered to the ground. The young vendor screamed and ran for cover.

  Ajza glanced over her shoulder. Mustafa's gunmen — all of whom she knew by name — seemed split between chasing her on foot and climbing into cars. In her present shape, hurting and winded, eluding even the ones on foot might prove impossible.